Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow and Care for Rattlesnake Plant

Rattlesnake plant (Goeppertia insignis) is a tropical evergreen perennial native to Brazil, commonly grown as an indoor houseplant. It can be tricky to nurture and isn't the easiest houseplant for beginners since it has particular heat, light and moisture requirements.

But, if you give it the care it needs, you will be rewarded with an impressive foliage display with a wavy pattern along the edges and variegated with shades of greens. Even the undersides of the foliage are eye-catching with their beautiful purplish-red tones.

rattlesnake plant

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

In its native habitat in Hawaii, Florida, and California, the rattlesnake plant produces small yellow flowers in late spring. But as a houseplant, it is grown exclusively for its long, elegant, ornamental foliage, as it rarely blooms indoors.

Plants typically grow to about 20 inches tall when grown as houseplants in greenhouses or terrariums. Rattlesnake plant grows at a moderate rate indoors but will slow or stop growing if it's in unfavorable conditions.

Common Name Rattlesnake plant, prayer plant, rattlesnake calathea
Botanical Name Goeppertia insignis, formerly Calathea lancifolia
Family Marantaceae
Plant Type Perennial
Mature Size 9–20 in. tall, 9–18 in. wide
Sun Exposure Partial
Soil Type Moist but well-drained
Soil pH Acidic, neutral
Bloom Time Spring
Flower Color Yellow
Hardiness Zones 11b-12b (USDA)
Native Area South America

Rattlesnake Plant Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing a rattlesnake plant.

  • Place in bright, indirect light away from vents and drafty areas.
  • Plant in a well-draining soil that can be kept moist.
  • Keep the plant's environment humid through misting, using a humidifier, or other methods.
  • Water enough to keep soil moist in the summer. In the winter, allow the top soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Avoid leaving the plant in standing water.
  • Feed regularly during the spring and summer months.
closeup of rattlesnake

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

overhead view of rattlesnake plant

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle


Keep your rattlesnake plant in a space with filtered light. If you want to place your plant in a window, select one that doesn't have intense afternoon sun streaming through it, or diffuse the light with drapes. A bright spot in a well-lit room works well.


Choose a well-draining soil. Although these plants can't handle standing water, they like to be kept moist. A light sandy soil or a potting mix of two parts peat moss and one part perlite works well. Rattlesnake plant prefers slightly acidic or neutral pH levels, but alkaline soils should be avoided.


Water your rattlesnake plant frequently in the summer to keep the soil moist. During the winter season, allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again.

If the leaves start to turn yellow, you may be overwatering. Conversely, if the leaves begin to curl unattractively they aren't receiving enough water.

Water the plant until it just starts to trickle out of drainage holes (not so much that water is streaming out of the bottom). Do not let the plant sit in excess water.

Temperature and Humidity

Keep your rattlesnake plant in temperatures between 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not place the plant near air conditioning units and heating systems since dry air, poor ventilation, and sudden temperature changes are harmful.

Create a humid environment by standing your potted plant on a tray with pebbles. This helps create a moist environment. You can also regularly mist your plant, bring it into the bathroom when showering, and invest in a humidifier.


Feed your rattlesnake plant every month during the spring and summer growing season. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer to encourage healthy foliage development, and follow the product label instructions.

Types of Rattlesnake Plant

There are cultivars of G. insignis, but there are other species of Goeppertia houseplants with similar care needs:

  • Goeppertia majestica is a larger 3-foot plant with wider egg-shaped leaves, green with thin stripes of color.
  • Goeppertia makoyana (cathedral windows, peacock plant) is a 40-inch-tall plant with wide showy leaves resembling a peacock's tail.
  • Goeppertia micans (prayer plant) is a 12- to 16-inch tall plant with leaves that fold together at night.
  • Goeppertia zebrina (zebra plant) is a 3-foot-tall plant with light green leaves striped with darker green.


The only pruning required is to remove dead or drying leaves. Simply cut the leaves with scissors or pruning shears at the spot where the leaves meet the stem or base of the plant.

Propagating Rattlesnake Plant

These plants are easy to propagate by division once they are well established and active growth slows down, but propagation by seed is extremely difficult. You can undertake the process of dividing in the spring when you are planning to repot the plant.

  1. Water your plant the day before to lessen the amount of stress on the plant.
  2. Choose a pot that's large enough for the new root ball you will create when dividing the plant. A plastic, metal, or glazed ceramic pot with drainage holes is best since the plant requires a moist environment.
  3. Fill the pot about 1/3 of the way with potting soil with some perlite mixed in.
  4. Place the potted plant on its side so you can easily slide the root ball out of the container.
  5. Gently brush soil from the roots and begin to carefully tease the roots apart with your fingers. Separate the roots where it seems natural, but don't force any roots to break apart. Trim off any damaged or diseased parts of the root with gardening scissors.
  6. Place the divided root ball into its new container and backfill with soil, using some of the soil from the original pot.
  7. Water the newly potted plant until water drains from the bottom of the container.
  8. Optional: Mimic a greenhouse effect by placing a clear plastic bag loosely over the plant and container until you see that it's growing. Then you can remove the plastic and care for it normally.

Common Pests

The thick leaves of your rattlesnake plant may entice pests. Look underneath leaves for the usual suspects, including aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Treat the problem quickly with gentle insecticidal soap, neem oil, or simply wash the insects off the leaves with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water.

Common Problems With Rattlesnake Plants

Leaf Color or Pattern Fading

A key consideration for any rattlesnake plant is proper lighting. If it gets too much direct sunlight, green spots may appear on the leaves; too little light and the vibrant spotted markings may begin to fade.

Limp or Rotting Stems

There are two possibilities for problematic stems: overwatering or drafts. Giving your plant too much water when the temperature drops can cause the stems to become limp, and sitting in water can cause the roots to rot, which can kill the plant. Try moving the plant to a warmer space with no extreme temperature fluctuations to see how the plant fares.

Leaf Edges Turning Brown

Brown leaf edges signal that the plant needs more humidity in its environment or could be a result of using commercial leaf shine. In addition to brown leaf tips, overly dry air can result in the foliage curling up. Take steps to add humidity to the area where the plant lives and stick to a simple damp cloth to remove any dust or debris instead.

  • Do rattlesnake plants need a lot of sunlight?

    Rattlesnake plants thrive in medium to bright indirect light, but can also tolerate low indirect light. If your plant is placed near a window with direct sunlight, use a shade to minimize sunlight exposure. Plan to water the plant more often if it’s exposed to bright sunlight.

  • Do rattlesnake plants close at night?

    The leaves of some rattlesnake houseplants tend to point upward at night and drop back down during daylight, which is why they are sometimes called rattlesnake prayer plants. This movement is normal and a way for the plant to maximize exposure to sunlight during the day.

  • Can I put my rattlesnake plant outside?

    Rattlesnake plants have particular light, heat, and moisture requirements. It’s best to keep them indoors in a greenhouse or terrarium unless you live in a humid, tropical area and can keep the plant in a semi-shaded spot.

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  1. Goeppertia insignis. NC State University Extension Plant Finder